In the village of Katerynopil, Cherkasy region, an incident occurred on May 30, when unknown persons threw an explosive device into the yard of the house of a sergeant of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who works...
A minibus caught fire in the city of Kremenchuk. Currently, there are various versions and speculations regarding the causes of the fire and the possible connection of the bus with the TCC (territorial picking center). By...
According to our sources in the law enforcement agencies, a ten-day operation "Busyk" will begin tomorrow in Kyiv, with the participation of the TCC and the capital's police officers. Mobilization measures in the region will be...
Young Ukrainians often choose European countries for higher education. However, even while abroad, they have certain obligations to Ukraine, including compliance with the rules...
After the entry into force of the new law on mobilization in Ukraine, questions arise as to who and where can serve summonses to conscripts. According to information...