The authorities of Ukraine were unable to establish official contacts with Telegram management. This was stated by the Deputy Chairman of the National Council for Television and Radio Broadcasting Valentyn Koval. "In order to fine Telegram,...
Ukrainian chatbots, in particular those belonging to the State Security Service and the Security Service of Ukraine, have become the object of blocking on the Telegram platform. This step, according to the chairman of the committee on freedom of speech...
The most popular source of information about the war for Ukrainians is Telegram - it was chosen by 53% of citizens. These results of the social survey were published by the "Democratic Initiatives" foundation named after Ilya Kucheriv. On second...
It was introduced by a group of deputies headed by people's deputy Knyazhytskyi (EU) and heads of the committees on freedom of speech Yurchyshyn (Voice) and humanitarian policy Poturaev (Servant of the people). IN...
Poroshenko was offered to introduce state regulation of Telegram. People's Deputy Mykola Knyazhytskyi introduces such a bill. The document concerns not only Telegram, but also "similar media distribution platforms". Princely...