Kyiv Mayor Vitaliy Klychko announced his intention to fire the director of the Kyiv Metro, Viktor Braginskyi, after a high-profile journalistic investigation revealed his considerable wealth...
The problem arose due to the actions of Arsen Zhumadilov, the head of the newly created "State Rear Operator" (DOT), who is trying to get his companies to supply products to the army. No one...
Princess Beatrice is the daughter of the second son of the late Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain. A frequent guest of social gatherings, lives in a castle and has all the privileges inherent in...
According to the conclusion of the Director of the Institute of Socio-Political Planning "Dialog" Andriy Myselyuk, the newly created Defense Procurement Agency (SE "State Rear Operator"), which should bring order...
Defense Ministry official Arsen Zhumadilov has been accused of the failure of the procurement reform Talks regarding the reform of the state procurement system of the Ministry of Defense have remained conversations, says political expert Mykhailo Schneider. It is about the announced...