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Grinkevich's Corruption Case: DBR reported suspicion to the new person involved

The State Bureau of Investigation (DBR) has announced the suspicion of another ...

Super-Mama handed over to the prosecutor: the luxurious life of the Deputy Head of the Specialized Environmental Prosecutor's Office became the subject of investigation

Pogoda v ukrayini 16 Bereznya doshhhi na shodi teplo na pivdni
The General Inspectorate of the Prosecutor General's Office started checking the deputy head of the specialized ...

Medium -sized Spring Spring Smartphones 2025: What are the models available in Ukraine?

Middle -class smartphones have long ceased to be a compromise. By...

Millionaire in the Unemployment Service: As Director of the Kiev Employment Center declared $ 1 million in cash

Director of the Kyiv City Employment Center Dmitry Novitsky, who heads ...