The heavy losses of the Ukrainian army near Avdiivka and Krynkami, together with the failed summer counteroffensive, had a cumulative effect and affected the front in general - in the Armed Forces...
"Virgin of corruption" in Ukraine will hinder the recovery of the country To ensure the development of the economy after the end of hostilities, Ukraine will need even more fundamental transformations than those that...
According to the study "Corruption Perception Index-2023", published by the international anti-corruption organization Transparency International, Ukraine scored 36 points and ranked 104th among 180...
Ukraine is building a strong defense system along the entire front line, including the northwestern regions adjacent to the border with Belarus, as the threat currently comes from Russia...
Today, Ukraine commemorates the 106th anniversary of the heroic battle of young men near Kruty. This is an important event in the history of the country, which symbolizes the struggle for independence and freedom from...