On January 9, a pre-premiere screening of the ironic detective film "La Palisade" directed by Philip Sotnichenko, which tells the story of the Ukrainian 90s, took place. According to the information published on the official page...
The Saber automated machine gun system has successfully crossed the path from a startup to a sustainable project. An innovative device designed for machine gunners and designed to preserve life and health...
UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund in Ukraine, together with partners, launched a hotline to support sexual and reproductive health, where consultations are conducted by leading...
The Ministry of Health has distributed 16,160 courses for free treatment of viral hepatitis C among the regions of Ukraine, which is 92% of the total need for 2023...
Former US Ambassador to Ukraine John Herbst identified two key components for achieving lasting peace in the region. According to a VOA report, Herbst believes that…