At the moment, 23 wounded servicemen have returned to the territory under control from the colony in Olenivka, Donetsk region. This was reported by the executive director...
"During the celebration of the New Year, when many people celebrated it with fireworks, a good mood and the company of relatives, Ukrainians witnessed massive airstrikes by the Russian...
The United States has said that North Korea has transferred to Russia a batch of ballistic missiles and launchers that it says have already been used in attacks on Ukraine.
In Ukraine, a new educational initiative project called "Close Ones" was presented, aimed at families and partners of military personnel and veterans. According to the information posted on the project page...
The Ministry of Digital Transformation is working on improving the draft law for the introduction of an online car customs clearance system in order to ensure a corruption-free process. This was reported by Mstislav Banik, head of...