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Ukraine provides funding for the support program for veterans and demobilized persons through the creation of a network of support specialists

On Friday, July 5, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted a resolution providing funding for the project to create a network of support specialists for veterans and demobilized persons...

The possibility of losing not only light, but also heat and water threatens Ukrainians for the heating season

The government carefully advises Ukrainians to go to villages for the winter, where there is firewood and the opportunity to warm up, not by chance. There is a possibility that due to the shortage of electricity, Ukrainians...

Sources of Ukrainian oil and strategies to increase production during the war

Ukraine continues to expand oil production, despite military operations on its territory. In August of this year, it is planned to drill two new wells with...

The Ukrainians intended to blow up the "Northern Stream" even before the annexation of Crimea

The world witnessed a new turn in the geopolitical landscape with the statement of the German publication Die Welt that Ukrainian forces planned to blow up the "Nord Stream" even before the annexation by Russia...

Ukraine simplifies the construction and installation of distributed energy generation

The Government of Ukraine has simplified the procedures for the implementation of construction projects and the installation of distributed energy generation. A number of reliefs for entrepreneurs have been introduced: The list of necessary documents for construction has been shortened...


Spring is gaining momentum: warming up to +15 ° C is expected in Ukraine

Today in Ukraine is expected gloomy but dry weather. According to the forecast ...

Forecast on March 6: wind and heat, in places up to +18 ° C

On March 6, warm but windy weather is expected in Ukraine ....

New Acting Mikhail Teryokhin, Chief of Zhytomyr Customs Receives a significant pension

The newly appointed Acting The Chief of Zhytomyr Customs Mikhail Teryokhin receives a significant ...

Calendar of holidays in Ukraine for March 2025

March 2025 will bring a number of important holidays as ...