Ukrainian aquadrones under the winged flag "Magura-V5" have already successfully repelled attacks by Russian warships, including the reconnaissance ship "Ivan Hurs", landing craft "Akula" and...
In Kyiv, on the territory of the Pavlovsk Psychiatric Hospital, the creation of a therapeutic garden is being started with the aim of restoring the mental health of Ukrainians who suffered as a result of the war. The idea belongs to the Danish...
At night, explosions rang out in Sumy Oblast and Poltava Oblast as a result of a drone attack launched by the occupiers. The Ukrainian Air Force successfully shot down all 24 strike...
Ukraine can expect a large amount of money to approach its budget. The European Council decided to transfer about 3 billion euros of seized Russian assets to Kyiv,...
Few weapons have been so eagerly awaited in Ukraine as the F-16 fighter jets, which are finally on the verge of being transferred from Western partners. These planes...