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In 2024, 25,781 traffic accidents occurred in Ukraine...

In 2024, 25 781 traffic accident (road accident) occurred in Ukraine, which died 3 202 people and injured 32,023 people. This statistics ...

Ukraine is preparing for the first contacts with Donald Trump's team, Arakhamia

At the beginning of February 2025, the first official meetings of representatives of Ukraine with the team of the newly elected US President Donald Trump will be held in Washington. Negotiations will take place within...

The USA is putting pressure on Kyiv: who will be responsible for the misuse of international aid

The new US administration clearly outlines a course to combat money laundering and misuse of international aid directed to Ukraine. According to our sources,...

Weather forecast in Ukraine for Sunday, January 19: frost and wet snow

Today, mostly cloudy weather is expected in Ukraine with occasional clearings. Cold temperatures will remain, but the frosts will be moderate, without sharp changes. In some regions it is possible...

Ukraine is preparing to create its own microchips

Ukraine is taking a decisive step towards the development of the technological industry. On January 14, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the strategy of digital development and innovation until 2030, which includes an ambitious...


Medium -sized Spring Spring Smartphones 2025: What are the models available in Ukraine?

Middle -class smartphones have long ceased to be a compromise. By...

By the end of the week in Ukraine warms up to +14 ° C

After the cold Wednesday, March 19, the real one will begin in Ukraine ...

Spring heat returns: weather forecast on March 20

On March 20, a real spring heat is expected in Ukraine. Forecasters ...

The scandalous businessman Pavlyuchenko dismantled a military runway in Poltava region: 70 million losses

Pogoda v ukrayini 16 Bereznya doshhhi na shodi teplo na pivdni
The infamous Poltava businessman Alexander Pavlyuchenko (Sasha Bracelet) illegally ...