In the western part of Germany, in the small town of Hockenheim, a shocking murder of a 27-year-old Ukrainian woman took place. Her body was discovered on March 7. On March 13, investigators reported that...
The Zaporizhia Regional Prosecutor's Office has started an investigation into the incident when three Ukrainian prisoners of war were shot dead by Russian soldiers in the village of Robotyne in the Zaporizhia Region. Video recording of this...
In Germany, three more suspects were arrested in connection with the fatal attack on 17-year-old Ukrainian basketball player Volodymyr Yermakov. This was reported by the local police. According to...
Serhiy Lysak, the head of the Dnipropetrovsk regional military-civilian administration, announced on Monday, February 12, that the law enforcement officers detained the suspect in the murder of the deputy mayor of Nikopol, Vitaly Zhuravlev. The attacker...
New data in the case of the murder of a young Ukrainian basketball player were made public by the German police. As a result of the attack in Dusseldorf, Volodymyr Ermakov died, who was wounded by...