#war in Ukraine

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British special forces prepare for departure to Ukraine as part of a peacekeeping mission

The United Kingdom has begun training for its special purpose forces for a possible business trip to Ukraine as part of a peacekeeping mission. The special forces is in standby mode, and the military ...

Venetian Commission: Ukrainians have the right to abandon military service because of their beliefs

The Venice Commission of the Council of Europe has published a legal opinion on an alternative service in Ukraine, indicating that citizens cannot be forced or applied weapons contrary to them ...

Kremlin blackmail: Putin promises "not to claim Odessa" if Kyiv recognizes occupation

Russia again tries to force Ukraine to surrender Ukraine under threat of further aggression. Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that Moscow "will not claim for Odessa and other territories", ...

What Trump and Putin have agreed

US President Donald Trump has a conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin, during which they discussed the possibility of ending the war in Ukraine. Both leaders, for the existing ...

Ukraine will need a larger army and more weapons of the West to restrain the Russian Federation - ISW

Ukraine needs a significant expansion of its armed forces and significant support of the West to restrain Russian aggression both in the event of a fighting and after ...


What is known about the activities of Ukrainian businessman Maxim Lunov in Ukraine and abroad

In the first part of our journalistic investigation - as a businessman ...

The Secrets of the Exaffit of the Ukrainian Danube Swamping: Untwidmed Trip

Former head of PJSC "Ukrainian Danube Shipping" Dmitry Chaly is not ...

Weather in Ukraine March 23: Warm will be kept but the wind will add coolness

Tomorrow, March 23, Ukraine will remain relatively warm, ...

Weather weather forecast: what to wait for Ukrainians from 24 to 30 March

The weather in Ukraine in the next week will be unstable due to activation ...