#war in Ukraine

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The Pentagon can block Starlink terminals in the hands of the Russian army, the expert claims

It has been confirmed that the Russian army uses Starlink terminals to provide satellite Internet at the front, but the Pentagon can block these supplies and deactivate the equipment, said Sergey...

Breakthrough near Avdiivka

Russian troops made a breakthrough in Avdiivka, writes Myśl Polska. The Ukrainian positions, which seemed impregnable, built around the "Tsarske Polyava" recreation base, were taken. Now the operation begins...

Ukraine does not receive weapons for the supply of which contracts were concluded with the Czech Republic

The mass media write about how the Czech Republic does not fulfill military contracts for the supply of weapons to Ukraine. And again we are talking about the Czech company PAMCO INT, which, as...

The Ministry of Defense submitted to the Council a revised draft law on mobilization. DOCUMENT

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine submitted to the Council a revised draft of the Law on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Improvement of Certain Issues of Mobilization, Military Accounting...

Can men overseas lose their citizenship due to mobilization?

In connection with the war started by the Russian Federation, a general mobilization is underway in Ukraine. Conscript men who receive summonses are subject to compulsory conscription. However, there are cases where some...


22% of homeless people in Ukraine are internal refugees

According to the research conducted by the charity "Depaul Ukraine", 22%...

Forecasters predict an unexpectedly warm October in Ukraine

October 2024 in Ukraine will be warmer than usual,...

Ludomania epidemic in Ukraine

In Ukraine, 8.5% of the population admitted that they played in online casinos...