"Every day, Russia kills people and destroys critical infrastructure in Ukraine," diplomatic sources said. Another horrific attack took place yesterday when Russia hit…
The most popular source of information about the war for Ukrainians is Telegram - it was chosen by 53% of citizens. These results of the social survey were published by the "Democratic Initiatives" foundation named after Ilya Kucheriv. On second...
Corruption in the war has become a symbol of Ukraine, but instead of execution or life imprisonment, 90% of the actors are released! Only 1 out of 10 corrupt officials goes to prison. The publication analyzed...
"Currently, potential draft-eligible recruits are evading the draft and spending their days in nightclubs instead. Many have left the country altogether," -...
The war threatens the existence of some species of birds in Ukraine, warn ornithologists. The actions of the Russian occupiers have a negative impact on the life of birds, forcing them to look for new places...