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The head of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced the possibility of the legal entry of NATO troops into the territory of Ukraine

Radoslav Sikorsky in his speech drew attention to the historical precedent, when a coalition of 16 countries helped the government of South Korea in the confrontation with the North...

Sowing in Ukraine is under threat of failure

Problems with money, fuel and mobilization (along with pressure from Europe, where they fear an uncontrolled flow of Ukrainian agricultural products to border countries) are finishing the Ukrainian agricultural sector. Yes, according to...

Two main causes of war. Why did Russia attack and could it have been otherwise?

Blogger Yuriy Bohdanov categorically opposes the sentiments spreading in Ukraine that Ukrainians themselves are to blame for Russia's attack. He clearly sees two...

The mobilization plan in Ukraine is implemented only by 15-20%

According to the information we received from our source in the General Staff, the implementation of the mobilization plan currently reaches only 15-20% of the required indicators. This forces the TCC...

The new cover of the fashion magazine Vogue once again displeased Ukrainians

In Ukraine, they are fighting again over the fashion magazine Vogue. On the cover of the Ukrainian March issue, cadets of the Ivan Bohun Kyiv Military Lyceum are depicted in the background, and on the front...


Investigation of the abduction of three boats in Kiev led the investigation to the Energy Excensions

Within the framework of criminal proceedings No. 12023100050003235 investigators and prosecutors ...

New Acting Mikhail Teryokhin, Chief of Zhytomyr Customs Receives a significant pension

The newly appointed Acting The Chief of Zhytomyr Customs Mikhail Teryokhin receives a significant ...

109 land plots and cottage for 15 million: Exnare Kormyshkin graduated from a political career

Former MP from the party "Servant of the People" Irina ...

Children of the elite and mobilization: what will happen to the gleb of rag?

26-year-old Gleb Razumkov, the son of a well-known Ukrainian journalist and the main ...