Check out our exclusive articles!

How to get a deferment from mobilization if the mother or father has a disability

In Ukraine, some categories of conscripts have the right to a deferment from mobilization, in particular, in the case when they fulfill the duties of caring for relatives with disabilities...

The ex-head of the Kyiv Metro Viktor Braginskyi fled the country on the basis of a forged conclusion of the VLK

The Kyiv police have initiated criminal proceedings and are conducting investigative actions against the former head of the "Kyiv Metropoliten" KP Viktor Braginskyi. The man left the country using a fake statement...

By February 4, all "limited fit" conscripts must pass the VLK

According to the legislation adopted in March 2023, citizens of Ukraine who previously received the status of "limited fitness for military service" are required to undergo a repeated military medical examination...

Not all disabled people are subject to mobilization: what you need to know about VLK and postponement

In Ukraine, a new problem related to mobilization has appeared: people with disabilities are often fined for not showing up at territorial recruitment centers (TCC), despite...

How to properly appeal a decision of the MSEK: step-by-step instructions

The center for assessing the functional state of a person is engaged in checking the validity of the decisions of expert teams and considering complaints about these decisions. It aims to ensure justice and...


March 6: church holiday, folk signs and prohibitions

On March 6, Orthodox Christians celebrate an important event in the church ...

Warm and dry weather expected in Ukraine March 5: temperature up to +15 ° C

On Wednesday, March 5, Ukraine will survive warm and dry ...

Started registration to participate in NMT: How to apply

The main registration period began to participate in the national multi -enthusiasm ...

New Acting Mikhail Teryokhin, Chief of Zhytomyr Customs Receives a significant pension

The newly appointed Acting The Chief of Zhytomyr Customs Mikhail Teryokhin receives a significant ...