The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) exposed two women in the Chernihiv region who acted for the benefit of Russian military intelligence. According to the SBU, the suspects in the case were residents of Prylutskyi...
The European Court of Human Rights ruled that the detectives of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine violated the rights of lawyer Oleksandr Sergienko during the detention. As a result, Ukraine has...
A loud scandal broke out in the Dnipropetrovsk region: a local deputy was charged with kidnapping a serviceman and extorting a huge amount of money. According to the Office of the Prosecutor General, the crime concerns...
Kyiv law enforcement officers detained the organizer of the international drug trade, from whom 9 kg of psychotropic substances were seized for a total amount of UAH 6.5 million. The suspect established drug sales channels...
The Security Service of Ukraine and military counterintelligence have exposed a Russian "mole" in the ranks of the Special Operations Forces (SSO). The lieutenant colonel of the Armed Forces, who was recruited by the Russian Federation even before...