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Why the SBI cannot make progress in cases against NBU officials

Recent weeks have caused serious concern in the public and among experts after it became known that there was no progress in criminal investigations against the leadership...

Ukraine is preparing for a "black" winter, experts warn of a possible collapse of the energy system

The energy system of Ukraine may not withstand the unfavorable development of events and severe cold this winter, which will lead to its complete collapse. This opinion was expressed by an expert...

Ukrainians may be without electricity for 12 hours a day this winter

According to forecasts of Yasno CEO Serhii Kovalenko, this winter Ukrainians may face serious problems with electricity supply, which may lead to outages up to 12...


The deputy of the Kyiv City Council urges Kyiv residents not to complain about communal services

Residents of the capital should come to terms with a possible decrease in the quality of communal...

Ludomania epidemic in Ukraine

In Ukraine, 8.5% of the population admitted that they played in online casinos...

What does the Kyiv authorities do to ensure life during a blackout

In Kyiv, even in the worst scenarios of the winter season, the boiler room,...

Alina Alekseeva: "TikTok does more damage than Telegram" in the fight against disinformation

In a world where information spreads quickly, social media platforms…