Telemedicine services are now available in 328 medical institutions of Ukraine

The Ukrainian Ministry of Health reported that currently 328 health care institutions in Ukraine have already joined the provision of telemedicine services. It is noted that this process included the training of 1,259 medical workers in the use of telemedicine equipment, the holding of 1,031 training sessions for medical workers on the provision of telemedicine services, and the implementation of 8,893 teleconsultations with the help of implemented telemedicine solutions.

According to information from the Ministry of Health, 182 medical facilities are already capable of remote pregnancy monitoring using a portable diagnostic complex. Also, 30 health care facilities have installed telemedicine platforms that allow patients to independently conduct basic examinations, such as measuring body temperature, blood pressure, blood oxygen saturation, and ECG.

No less important is the information that artificial intelligence is already being used in 5 medical institutions to analyze computer tomography with the aim of automatically detecting brain lesions.

According to the report, thanks to the implementation of telemedicine solutions, medical professionals provide assistance to patients with gunshot and blast injuries, use neurorehabilitation solutions with augmented reality tools for comprehensive treatment of patients with brain damage or orthopedic trauma. Two hospitals are also already equipped with virtual operating rooms that allow surgeons to participate in online consultations.

It is worth noting that during the martial law, Ukraine received telemedical humanitarian aid in the amount of about 4 million US dollars. With the support of partners, 6 telemedicine solutions are already successfully operating in Ukrainian health care facilities, 3 more are at the stage of preparation.

We will remind that in 2023, the strategy for the development of telemedicine in Ukraine was adopted, legislative changes were made, and the functional capabilities of electronic health care are currently being developed for the use of telemedicine in three directions: teleconsultation, telemetry, and teleradiology. In general, the strategic goals remain the improvement of the digital competence of medical workers and the development of technical support for the implementation of telemedicine solutions.

In 2024, telemedicine services are provided for in 31 packages of medical services out of 41 packages of the Medical Guarantee Program. Recently, the Verkhovna Rada adopted the Law "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding the Functioning of Telemedicine" in August 2023.



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