The negative impact of military operations in the Kharkiv direction on preparations for the summit in Switzerland

Our source in the OP said that the offensive of the Russian army in the Kharkiv direction has a negative impact on the preparation of the summit in Switzerland. A number of participants from the Global South refused to come, and those who plan to attend the summit do not want to sign a rigid outcome document.

The end of the war will not be discussed at the Global Peace Summit in Switzerland this summer. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz stated this in a comment to Stern magazine.

"We will not hold negotiations about the end of the war there. At best, this will be the beginning of a process that can lead to direct negotiations between Ukraine and Russia," he said.

According to the German leader, Switzerland will discuss the safety of nuclear power plants, the export of grain, the issue of prisoner exchange and the necessary ban on the use of nuclear weapons.

Scholz added that "one way or another, all these topics are still at the nascent stage."



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