Autumn in Ukraine ends with gloomy and cold weather. Most regions will meet the last day of November with solid clouds and low temperatures ranging from -1° to +8°. Small precipitation is expected only in places in the southwest of the country.
Weather forecast by region
- Western Ukraine : Overcast, air temperature from +2° to +5°, in Transcarpathia up to +8°. A little rain is possible in Chernivtsi region.
- Northern regions : Cloudy and cold weather - from +1° to +2°.
- Eastern Ukraine : The coldest - the temperature will drop to -1°...0°, no precipitation is expected.
- Central Ukraine : From "zero" to +3°. Sunny clearing is possible only in the south of Dnipropetrovsk region.
- South of the country : It will be a little warmer here - from +4° to +7°, in the Zaporizhia region +2°. There is little cloud cover in most regions.
Signs of the day: what will winter be like?
On November 30, the people celebrate the day of Grigory, Nikon, Lazar and Michael . Nature is observed on this day:
- Sedge leaves lie face up - the winter will be cold.
- If the leaves are turned upside down, the winter promises to be warm.
- The weather on this day indicates the nature of winter: if it is gloomy and cold, then the winter will be harsh.
What to expect next?
The first day of winter, according to preliminary forecasts, may bring increased frost in the east and north of the country, while precipitation in the form of rain or sleet is possible in the western regions.
The end of autumn in Ukraine is a time of warm drinks and comfort at home, because the weather is not conducive to long walks.