A tragic event occurred in the village in Odeschyna-a 16-year-old guy was killed by a gunshot wound while taking pictures with a gun in his career. Police consider this case as a murder due to negligence and conducts examination.
The report of the boy's death came from a resident of one of the villages of the Podilsky community on March 8, at night.
The investigative team of the territorial unit of the police at the settlement revealed the body of a young man with a gunshot wound to the chest. Police have previously established that in the evening, two local 16-year-old boys went to a quarry to shoot a gun. There, while photographing the young man who posed with the gun, accidentally pressed the trigger, and a shot. As a result, his companion was a gunshot wound and died.
Investigators sent the boy's body for forensic examination to determine the cause of death.