Sometimes good offers are a trap, and big earnings are only a myth. Three young men were exposed in Kyiv who created a Fake Telegram for "Cryptocurrency Investments" and 78 people totaling more than UAH 500,000. They are now threatened with imprisonment for up to eight years.
How did the scheme work?
The attackers founded and administered the Telegram-channel with a promising "1million community". Through it, they advertised alleged high -profit investments in cryptocurrency, raising money from trusting citizens to their own bank cards.
The scheme was simple but effective:
- The promise of quick profit - participants assured investors that the invested funds would increase in a few days.
- Payment of "commissions" - when the victims wanted to withdraw "earned" funds, they were forced to pay additional fees.
- Blocking - after receiving significant amounts of investors, they were simply blocked.
To attract new victims, the fraudsters published fake reviews of "satisfied customers", which they allegedly earned thanks to this scheme.
As of today, 78 victims have lost more than UAH 500,000. The attackers partially offset the damage caused, but the amount of compensation is insignificant in comparison with the amount of damage caused.
For the organization of fraud, three accused was charged under Part 4 of Art. 190 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine ("fraud"). They are threatened with imprisonment for a term of three to eight years.