The "Winter eSupport" program initiated by President Volodymyr Zelenskyi started in Ukraine on December 1. As part of this program, every citizen residing in Ukraine can receive 1,000 hryvnias. However, as People's Deputy Olena Vasylevska-Smagliuk pointed out, the money received through Ukrposhta can only be spent on a limited list of goods and services.
What can you buy for 1000 hryvnias?
The program provides that the received funds can be spent not only on basic goods, such as toilet paper, buckwheat and magazines, but also on a number of other useful needs:
- Payment of utility services.
- Tickets for Ukrzaliznytsia trains.
- Ukrainian medicines.
- Books and cultural services.
- Donate in support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU).
How to get funds?
Anyone who wants to use the program can do so through the Diya . Participation in the program is available to all citizens of Ukraine who are on the territory of the country.
Why this program?
The purpose of the program is to support Ukrainians in the difficult winter period, as well as to stimulate the economy by supporting Ukrainian manufacturers and services. The money can be spent on cultural needs and medical services, which is an important aspect for maintaining social stability.