In the "Army+" application, the function of submitting a report for transfer to another unit has been activated

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine announced the launch of a new function in the Army+ application. From now on, servicemen can submit reports for transfer to another military unit directly from their smartphone. This innovation aims to simplify and speed up the transfer process for those who want to change their place of service within the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

A medical certificate may be required for a transfer based on health status.

The answer must come within 72 hours, in case of refusal - with specific reasons. For example, a soldier has served in his unit for less than six months or less than a year since the last transfer.

At the same time, healthy fighters will not be able to transfer from the combat unit to the rear under the new online procedure.

And without the consent of the commander, only privates, sergeants and senior officers of the rear units can be transferred to combat. It is not necessary to submit the commander's consent himself, the Personnel Center of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will contact him.



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