In Bila Tserkva, Kyiv region, the police are investigating the beating of a 12-year-old girl, in which three minors were involved. The incident became known thanks to a video recording that reached the law enforcement officers after the victim's mother appealed.
According to information from the Main Directorate of the National Police of the Kyiv region, the victim's mother filed a complaint about the beating of her daughter. During the investigation, it was established that the attackers are the same age as the girl and two boys aged 15 and 16.
The video, which became evidence in the case, shows how three teenagers physically injure a 12-year-old girl.
On the fact of the beating, a pre-trial investigation has been started under part. 1 Art. 125 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (intentional minor bodily injury). The police are currently investigating the circumstances of the incident and will also provide a legal assessment of the actions of each participant in the attack.
Cases of child abuse are a serious concern. Despite the young age of the attackers, the responsibility for the committed actions can be severe. The police are also working with the parents of those involved to understand what could have provoked such actions.
The incident caused a wave of public indignation. Numerous comments on social networks call for strict punishment of the guilty and increased control over the behavior of teenagers.
Police are continuing their investigation and are urging the public to report any other incidents of violence to prevent similar incidents in the future.