In Cherkasy, an extraordinary event took place in one of the shops on Mytnytskyi Street. The woman started shooting with a gun, but thanks to the operative actions of the visitors, she was neutralized.
The incident happened in the evening of January 17 on Mytnytskyi Street. A woman entered a local store with a gun and opened fire. Customers and staff were in the room at the time.
The shots scared people and, fortunately, none of them were injured. Despite the shock, store employees and customers were not lost. They disarmed the woman and called the police. The police arrived at the scene promptly and detained the offender in accordance with Art. 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine
Currently, investigators are investigating the motives of her actions, which were qualified under part. 4 Art. 296 of the Criminal Code (hooliganism). It is currently unknown whether the woman was in a state of intoxication, because she refused to be examined. The weapon was seized from her and sent for research to the Cherkasy Research Expert Forensic Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.
The court chose a preventive measure for the woman in the form of detention with the right to post bail. She faces three to seven years in prison.