In Kiev, the powers and corruption flows, which were connected to the deputy chairman of the KSCA Petro Olenich, who were currently under investigation and dismissed from duties were divided.
We remind that the person in the criminal case on land corruption in Kiev, Petro Olenich recently left the detention center on bail of 15 million hryvnias. According to Olena , his family made money, thanks to a loan secured by real estate.
At the same time, according to our sources, the family of Petro Olenich has lived in Germany since the beginning of a full -scale invasion, and has managed to have real estate and business at the money stolen by Olenich on equipment with Kiev land.
The funds were legalized in the EU according to several schemes, this was the question of ex-subordinate Olenich, an active participant in all his corruption equipment Oleg Polovinko. In order for the assets of Petro Olenich's wife not to arrest, and according to our sources, Olenich knew about open criminal cases, they and his wife were officially divorced.
While Petro Olenich is under investigation and removed from the performance of his official duties his function of control of the Department of Architecture, which issues urban planning conditions and restrictions have passed to Vyacheslav Nepa . We are talking about significant corruption streams - payment of bribe developers of $ 12 from every square meter of a future building.
The Land Department was controlled by the Deputy Chairman of the KSCA on the exercise of self -governing powers Vladislav Andronov , an associate of Dmitry Belotserkivtsi, who, according to our sources, persuaded Vitaliy Klitschko to allow control over land to people who do not belong to the so -called "land mafia".
The Department of Information and Communication Technologies came under the control of the ancient friend of Petro Olenich-Deputy Chairman of the KSCA Valentin Mondrievsky . According to our sources, it was a personal initiative of Nicholas Povoroznyk , who sees in this department "The largest budgets for sawing".
Valentina Mondrievsky was also "given" by the Department of Culture, because it was Mondriivsky who was liberating the uncompromising Yana Barinova, who stood in a way of spraying funds for repairs in culture, which was done by Mondrievsky and his longtime friend of Kyiv City Council .