Kyiv law enforcement officers exposed one of the heads of the State Production and Consumer Service, who, according to the investigation, was involved in bribery. The official demanded a bribe for the unhindered import of seafood from abroad.
According to the investigation materials, the representative of the company engaged in the supply of fish and seafood to Ukraine turned to the deputy head of the State Border Control Office to obtain permits for customs clearance of the cargo. In response, the official agreed to help, but noted that there may be problems with processing the necessary documents. However, for USD 400 from each car of cargo or "thanks" in the form of fish, he promised to ensure smooth customs clearance of the products. Later, the arrangement changed, and the bribe began to be given in cash.
While receiving another bribe in the amount of 1,200 US dollars, the perpetrator was detained in his office. Criminal proceedings have been opened, the suspect has been notified of suspicion and faces up to 10 years in prison.