The Security Service of Ukraine reported the arrest of the director of the information systems support department of one of the leading Ukrainian banks. The official is suspected of regularly financing the armed forces of the Russian Federation with the help of cryptocurrency platforms.
This is reported by the SBU.
As the investigators found out, the suspect opened an account on one of the world's largest cryptocurrency exchanges after the start of the full-scale invasion of Russia. Through this account, he systematically transferred money to digital wallets belonging to the occupation groups of the Russian Federation.
The detainee received information about fundraising for the Russian army from pro-Russian Telegram channels. Law enforcement officers documented all his criminal activities.
During the search of the defendant's apartment, a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a significant amount of Russian rubles, mobile phones and computer equipment containing evidence of financing the occupiers were found.
The SBU has already notified the detainee of the suspicion under Art. 1 Art. 111-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (assistance to the aggressor state). The court chose a preventive measure for him in the form of detention without bail.
For the committed crime, the suspect faces up to 12 years of imprisonment with confiscation of property. Currently, law enforcement officers are determining the exact amount of money he transferred to support the occupation forces of the Russian Federation.
The Security Service of Ukraine calls on citizens to report cases of suspicious activity that may be related to supporting the aggressor, and reminds them of the responsibility for assisting the aggressor state.
We will remind you that the Security Service of Ukraine exposed the chief accountant of one of the branches of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia" in the Poltava region, who passed on intelligence about military transport to the occupying forces. Her "liaison" turned out to be a man - a militant fighting on the side of the Russian Federation in the Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia regions.