Spring came to Ukrainian national parks and reserves, where the first flowers began to blossom. The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine shared the photos that demonstrate the beauty of nature in Karmelyukova Podillya, the Nizhnohliii and the Dnieper-Oil Reserve.
In the photo, flowers from the NPP "Karmelyukova Podillya", "Nizhnosleli" and "Dniprovsky-Oil Nature Reserve".
Primroses are the national national name of early flowering spring plants. In total, there are more than 40 species of such plants. Primitive or torn or torn with a bulb of primrose - this is a devastating harm to nature: plants lose the opportunity to form seeds and give a new generation in the future. And the torn flowers with the bulb in general lead to their complete destruction, noted in the State Inspectorate.