The new law on mobilization provides for mobilization from the age of 18

Such a statement was made by People's Deputy Dmytro Razumkov.

"It is written there that if a person undergoes basic military training at the age of 18, he will receive a military accounting specialty, will be registered, and this will lead to the fact that the TCC will be able to mobilize him at the age of 19," he explained.

Such a norm, about the possibility of mobilization from the age of 18 after basic military training, is probably the key point of the scandalous draft law currently being discussed in the Council.

That is, in this way, the rule that conscripts can be drafted only from the age of 27 is circumvented. In the draft law, this bar is proposed to be lowered to 25, but in reality, according to ex-speaker Dmytro Razumkov, it will be lowered to 18.

Because even now, a person who has completed military service can be drafted up to the age of 27. It is not possible to call up only those who did not serve in the army until this age. And these are the majority now (very few were conscripted for conscription in Ukraine, and since the beginning of the war conscription has stopped altogether).

But if conscription is replaced by basic military training for 5 months (in wartime for 3 months), then you can be drafted into the army immediately after completing it. That is, from the age of 18. Moreover, a summons can be issued immediately on the day of the end of training, sending a person directly to the army. And, thus, "basic military training" will turn into an ordinary "study" before sending to the front.

And this will be a radical change in the situation.

Moreover, as we can see, the authorities did not focus on this nuance in the draft law, presumably, fearing a scandal and negative public response.

Now the key question is whether this norm will be retained in the final version of the draft law.

If it persists, it will affect many young people. And, quite likely, it will activate the process of going abroad for boys under the age of 18.



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