On Monday, January 10, real winter weather will prevail in Ukraine. At night, the temperature will drop to -11 °, and in the afternoon it will fluctuate from -6 ° to 0 °, reports the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center. In the Carpathians, frosts can reach -15 °.
According to forecasters, the Ukrainians are mostly cloudy with clarification. Rainfall is not predicted this day, but on the roads of the eastern and central regions, as well as Sumy region, ice is possible.
The wind will be northeast at a speed of 3-8 m/s, which will give the feeling of coolness even in the afternoon.
- Night: from -6 ° to -11 °, in the Carpathians -up to -15 °.
- Day: from -6 ° to +3 °, in Transcarpathia -up to +8 °.
- The western and southern regions can count on somewhat warmer weather: from -2 ° to +3 °.
In the regions where ice is expected, the situation on the roads can be complicated. Drivers are advised to be careful, keep a safe distance and avoid sharp maneuvers.
January 10 in Ukraine is frosty, but without snow. The coldest night is expected in the central regions and the Carpathians, and in the afternoon the temperature will remain at the level of winter minus. Drivers should be careful through ice, especially in the eastern and central regions. Winter reminds itself - it's time to cook warm things and enjoy winter landscapes.