The draft law on Telegram control was registered in the Council

It was introduced by a group of deputies headed by people's deputy Knyazhytskyi (EU) and heads of the committees on freedom of speech Yurchyshyn (Voice) and humanitarian policy Poturaev (Servant of the people).

In an explanatory note, they write that the Media Act does not regulate the activities of the public access platform Telegram, which is proposed to be corrected. In particular, the platform will be obliged to remove the content of Telegram channels at the request of the National Council from television and radio broadcasting (that is, without any court decision).

"On the basis of the appeal of the National Television and Radio Council, to limit the distribution of programs and/or user-specific information, in particular user-specific videos, that violate the requirements of Articles 36, 42, 119 of this Law on the territory of Ukraine," reads the draft law.

It also includes the ability to request the blocking of both individual users and Telegram channels in Ukraine.

The draft law also proposes to equate "providers of platforms of general access to information through which mass information is disseminated" to individual subjects in the field of media and to oblige them to comply with the norms of the Law on Media.

Providers of public access platforms must open their representative offices in Ukraine, and at the request of the National Council, they must reveal their ownership and financing structure.

If the provider of the public access platform refuses to disclose information about itself, then such platform will be prohibited from being used by the authorities.



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