In Lviv, during a children's show in the Leoland sports and entertainment complex, an explosion occurred, as a result of which three children and an animator were injured. This was announced on the official page of the complex in social networks.
The incident happened at the opening of a new station in the "city of professions". As Leoland explained, the explosion occurred due to the rupture of a thermal bulb that was part of the props. The thermal flask cracked and shattered into pieces, which injured the children standing nearby and the animator who was holding the flask.
"We are now thoroughly investigating the causes of this incident, checking the video from the surveillance cameras. Later, we will inform you about the details of the inspection," said representatives of the Leoland complex.
The injured children were taken to St. Nicholas Hospital, reports Hromadske. A nine-year-old boy and a ten-year-old girl received minor shrapnel injuries to their eyebrows and eyelids. They were given first aid and sutures.
The third child, an eight-year-old boy, received a superficial head injury and soft tissue contusion as a result of the fall. After providing medical assistance, all children were released home.