The Verkhovna Rada will consider the creation of an investigative commission regarding the use of budget funds for fortifications and drones

The Verkhovna Rada has registered a draft resolution on the creation of a temporary investigative commission to consider the use of state funds for the construction of fortifications and the production of drones. This is reported in draft resolution No. 11282, published on the official website of the parliament.

According to the document, the tasks of the new TSK will be to study the needs of drones, form a state order for their production and purchase, as well as analyze the supply of drones to military units. In addition, the commission will review the arrangement of fortifications on the contact lines and study the intended use of the funds allocated for their construction.

The draft resolution proposes the composition of the TSK, which will include 15 people's deputies. It is proposed to elect MP Mykola Zadorozhnyi as the head of the commission, and Mykhailo Tsimbalyuk as the deputy.

Among the potential members of the commission are MPs Andriy Bohdanets, Elizaveta Bogutska, Mykhailo Bondar, Vitaly Bort, Anatoly Burmich, Oleksandr Gorenyuk, Oleksiy Zhmerenetskyi, Roman Kostenko and Dmytro Kostiuk.

According to parliamentarian Oleksiy Goncharenko, the vote on the resolution on the creation of the TSK will take place today, May 22, during the meeting of the Verkhovna Rada.

Yesterday, May 21, the work of the parliament was suspended due to the fact that deputies of two factions blocked the rostrum, demanding the introduction of a bill on the banning of the UOC MP and the creation of the TSK on fortifications and drones.



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