The driver, who was traveling with three children, had an alcohol level 15 times higher than the norm

A serious traffic accident occurred in Chernihiv region, which drew attention to the problem of drunken driving. The police stopped a 35-year-old woman who was driving a car with three children in the passenger compartment. The level of alcohol in her blood exceeded the norm by almost 15 times.

"Police officers of the reaction department of the patrol police of the Chernihiv district administration drew up a number of administrative reports against a 35-year-old driver of a VAZ car who was driving while intoxicated. Three of her minor children were in the cabin," the message reads.

During patrolling in one of the villages of the Bereznyan community of the Chernihiv district, the attention of the policemen of the reaction department of the patrol police, as indicated, was drawn to a VAZ car, the driver of which was not wearing a seat belt.

"When the patrol officers stopped the car for inspection, the female driver showed clear signs of alcohol intoxication during communication. At the same time, in addition to the driver herself, three of her minor children and her godfather were in the cabin," the message reads.

"At the scene of the incident, in accordance with the procedure established by law, the police conducted a state test of the offender using the Drager device. The device showed that the alcohol content in the woman's blood reached 2.98 ppm - almost 15 times higher than the maximum permissible limit (0.2 ppm)," the police said.

It also turned out that the woman does not have any documents for the vehicle or the right to drive it.

Law enforcement officers suspended a 35-year-old woman from driving a car and filed administrative charges against her for a number of violations of traffic rules: under Part 1 of Article 130 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (driving a vehicle by a person in a state of intoxication); according to Part 2 of Article 126 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (driving a vehicle by a person who does not have the right to drive vehicles); according to Part 5 of Article 121 of the Criminal Procedure Code (violation of the rules for using a seat belt).



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