Evaders will be able to receive fines in "Diya"

According to the information published in Sudovo-yuridichnaya Gazeta, Diya may issue fines for evaders who violate administrative legislation.

According to the publication, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted Resolution No. 693, which provides for the possibility of sending fines for administrative offenses through the Diya system and paying them directly through the same system.

Previously, "Diya" announced such a service and said that it is about cases for petty hooliganism, late payment of taxes, violation of public peace, traffic rules or trade rules. Previously, in order to pay fines in these cases, it was necessary to go to court and stand in queues, and then to the bank.

But the mass media believes that the practice can be extended to the resolutions of the TCC for violating the rules of military accounting. Which are likely to be mass-discharged after July 16, when the deadline for mandatory updating of military registration data for conscripts expires.

Penalties for ignoring non-combat summonses also belong to the administrative category.

But there have been no official comments on the topic yet.



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