The most popular source of information about the war for Ukrainians is Telegram – it was chosen by 53% of citizens.
These results of the social survey were published by the "Democratic Initiatives" foundation named after Ilya Kucheriv.
In second and third place are interpersonal contacts (42%) and YouTube (40%). 37% of respondents use the telethon as a source of news.
The study showed that the choice of information sources depends on the level of education. Thus, people with secondary or incomplete secondary education mainly focus on telethon (49%) and communication with other people (48%), with secondary special education - Telegram channels (53%) and channels of interpersonal communication (45%), and with high level of education - Telegram channels (61%) and YouTube (45%). The percentage of telethon use decreases with increasing education level.
Regarding the trust of Ukrainians in the information coming from the authorities, 39% of the respondents trust them to a greater or lesser extent, but only 6% declared full trust.