In accordance with Law No. 1978 on the protection of public health from the harmful effects of tobacco, the government of Ukraine has started the implementation of the "eTobacco" project. This project involves the digital transformation and collection of information on manufacturers and importers of tobacco products, as well as their composition and emissions.
On a specialized portal, manufacturers and importers will publish data on the ingredients of tobacco products and the consequences of their use for consumers. This will ensure that important information is available to the public.
Developed as part of the "Supporting Digital Transformation" initiative, the portal receives support from USAID and UK Dev and is aimed at ensuring transparency in the circulation of tobacco products. This will allow the state to control the quality of products and have a clear list of manufacturers and importers to effectively combat the "black market".
The legislation requires manufacturers to provide data for the general database by February 1, 2025, after which the eTobacco portal will be fully operational. This portal will become a key tool for state control, which will ensure compliance of tobacco products with European standards.
In addition, the government emphasizes that the "eTobacco" portal will fulfill the role of an economic regulator of the market, providing a set of measures provided for by legislation. It will support responsible market participants who adhere to high quality standards and bet on cooperation with consumers and the state.