Ukraine has prepared a draft law to expand the access of persons with disabilities to the labor market

According to UN data, there are about 2.7 million people with disabilities in Ukraine. Most of them regularly face not only restrictions on moving around the country, but also various stereotypes. One of these ideas is the belief that employment for Ukrainian citizens with health disorders is a more difficult task than for healthy persons.

The Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine focuses on social entrepreneurship as a tool that can expand opportunities for employment, self-realization and meeting the needs of these citizens. One of the examples is the bakery "Good bread from good people", where 25 people with disabilities already work among the total staff of 35 people.

The Ministry believes that creating incentives and conditions at the workplace, as well as providing social support, will help to change the situation. In addition, it is proposed to allocate state subsidies for wages for such workers and to remove restrictions on their employment.

Draft law No. 5344-d, which introduces a number of norms for opening the labor market for people with disabilities, finds support in the Ministry of Social Policy. They express confidence that Ukraine will soon have equal opportunities for everyone.



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