Ukraine has banned the sale of flavored cigarettes and electronic cigarettes with flavorings

From July 1, 2024, a ban on the sale of flavored cigarettes, roll-your-own tobacco, electronic cigarettes and their liquids, as well as packages without proper labeling, came into force in Ukraine.

This initiative is aimed at reducing the consumption of tobacco products among the population, especially among the youth, who are most prone to use flavored tobacco products.

Exactly what changes have entered into force and what they mean were explained at the Center for Civic Representation "Zhyttya".

These changes entered into force in accordance with the Law of Ukraine No. 1978-XI, which was adopted on July 11, 2023. From this day on, there should be no flavored cigarettes, roll-your-own tobacco, electronic cigarettes and their liquids, as well as packaging without proper labeling, on the counters. The law allowed the sale of the remaining products released before the entry into force of the new rules within a year, and this period has already ended.

From now on, every pack of cigarettes must carry updated health warnings that occupy 65% ​​of the area of ​​the largest side of the pack. They contain images of diseases caused by smoking and text that warns about the dangers of smoking. There is also a QR code on the packs that leads to the "I Quit Smoking!" service of the Public Health Center, where you can get help in quitting smoking.

The new labeling rules came into effect on January 11, 2024, according to Order No. 747 of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Three groups of medical warning sets were created, each of which includes 14 images. These sets will be updated each year to ensure regular change of graphic warnings.

The ban on the sale of flavored cigarettes and liquids for electronic cigarettes also includes a ban on certain additives that could mislead consumers about the consequences of using these products, as well as requirements for the composition of liquids and reporting by manufacturers and distributors.

According to the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology, as of December 2023, 24.5% of Ukrainians consume tobacco and nicotine products every day. Among them, 36% are men and 15% are women. Although there is a downward trend among men, the number of female smokers has doubled in the past seven years. 30% of young people aged 18-29 also smoke.

The WHO reported that 38% of e-cigarette users and 50% of e-cigarette users cite the pleasant taste and aroma as the main reason for their use. The ban on flavorings is designed to protect children and young people from being attracted to these products.

Also, graphic warnings on packages have a significant impact: in 2017, 92% of tobacco users in Ukraine paid attention to these warnings, and 54% thought about quitting smoking.

Ukraine also undertook to follow the directives of the European Union regarding the prohibition of flavored cigarettes for heating, which is confirmed by draft law No. 9227.



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