The Ukrainian authorities want to take advantage of the closing window of opportunity

Next week, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi will make an important foreign visit, on which great hopes are placed. Zelenskyy plans to visit the UN General Assembly, hold a meeting with President Joe Biden and his likely successor, Vice President Kamala Harris. A meeting with Donald Trump is also expected.

The Ukrainian delegation will present a new version of the peace plan, known in Bankova as the "Victory Plan". This document has already been sent to Washington for review. Zelensky emphasized that he was eager to discuss the plan with Biden, but was waiting for the successes of the Ukrainian military in the Kursk region.

The White House said the leaders will discuss the state of the war between Russia and Ukraine, including strategic planning and US support for defense against aggression. The president and vice-president will once again confirm their commitment to Ukraine.

These discussions are taking place against the background of an active election campaign in the US, where the Ukrainian topic is becoming a key issue for Trump and Harris. The General Assembly begins on September 24, with speeches by Biden and Zelensky, and important bilateral talks.

The delegation will be headed by the newly appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs Andrii Sybiga, and the deputy will be the Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN, Serhiy Kyslytsia. Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin, Deputy Prime Minister Olga Stefanishyna and other key figures will also be included in the composition.

The details of the "Victory Plan" remain shrouded in mystery, but it is known to include four main points, plus one for the post-war period. Zelenskyy noted that the plan concerns security, geopolitical location of Ukraine and military support. One of the key issues is the authorization of strikes on Russian territory, which depends on the support of the United States.

Competition of peace initiatives

At the same time, alternative "peace plans" are emerging in Ukraine, in particular, the Chinese-Brazilian option, which provoked a sharp reaction from Zelenskyi. He called this plan destructive and agreed with the Kremlin. There were also rumors about a peace plan from German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, which provides for possible territorial concessions.

Zelensky emphasized that the goal of the Ukrainian plan is not only to strengthen Ukraine, but also to make the aggressor understand that the war leads to a dead end. At the same time, he warned of risks if the diplomatic dialogue with Moscow is not resumed.

Plans until the end of the year

Currently, the Ukrainian authorities seek to speed up the implementation of the "Victory Plan" by the end of the year in order to avoid further destabilization. At the same time, it should be noted that the results of Zelenskyi's visit to the USA can significantly affect the development of the situation in Ukraine.

With this background, the president's visit to New York will be of decisive importance for the further actions of both Ukraine and its international partners.



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