In 2025, Ukraine may for the first time use a swarm of drones to perform military tasks. This was announced by the Deputy Prime Minister for Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov. Such an innovative approach can become revolutionary on the battlefield and change the nature of modern warfare.
“I think the percentage of autonomous guided drones will increase significantly next year. We may see the first real applications of drone swarms, though not on a massive scale. The first steps will be taken," the minister said in an interview with Reuters.
Fedorov noted that Ukraine already uses dozens of domestic artificial intelligence systems that allow drones to hit targets without the participation of pilots.
Previously, the mass media wrote that Russia also plans to introduce artificial intelligence into the "Shakhedi" in order to bypass the Ukrainian air defense system.
Fedorov said that Ukraine plans to use tens of thousands of ground drones next year to deliver shells and supplies to infantry in the trenches, as well as to evacuate wounded soldiers. Produce 30 thousand long-range drones. And create drones to shoot down "Shaheeds".