According to our source in the Presidential Office, Andriy Yermak has reached key agreements with the British side of dual -use technologies. These technologies can become an important element in the modernization of the Ukrainian missile program.
The source in the General Staff said that the program concerns components that will significantly strengthen Ukraine's missile potential. In particular, they will allow the Armed Forces of Ukraine to strike objects in the depths of the Russian territory. According to preliminary information, the first results from the introduction of new technologies can be seen this summer.
Ukraine, in contact with Russia's military aggression, gradually changes the strategy of war. A rocket program that is capable of striking the enemy's strategic objects far beyond its front lines will become an important element of restraint and counter -offensive operations.
Agreement with Britain is part of a broader strategy for the President's office. According to sources, for Andrei Yermak, the key task is not only the strengthening of Ukraine's defense capability, but also the use of military success to strengthen the negotiation positions.
The President's office deliberately seeks to delay peace talks with Russia. According to sources, such a strategy will allow you to win time to obtain new types of weapons, including those that can change the balance of power at the front.
It is obvious that Moscow will have a negative reaction to any action that enhances Ukraine's rocket potential. But successes on the battlefield and the ability to conduct diplomatic talks with partners can create a new reality in which Russia will not be able to ignore Ukraine's strengthened military power.