Ukrainians may receive a reduced salary due to increased taxes

At the end of October, Ukrainians may face a decrease in wages due to an increase in the military levy. People's deputy Yaroslav Zheleznyak warned about this, noting that the government plans to increase the military levy from 1.5% to 5% from November 1, 2024.

By this time, many Ukrainians will have already received an advance - taking into account the military levy, another 1.5%.

"And what should the employer do? Has he already paid the advance and won't take the money back? Here, the Ministry of Finance suggests simply taking this money during the payment of wages. That is, somewhere at the end of this month, people will not only receive a salary that is already 3.5% less than the increase in the military levy, but also minus the money from the advance," Zheleznyak writes.

Earlier, the head of the tax committee, Hetmantsev, said that in addition to the military levy, VAT will also have to be increased.



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