In 2024, 1270 orphans and children deprived of parental care were adopted in Ukraine. This figure increased by 27% compared to 2023, which indicates increased attention to the problem of orphanage and more active participation of Ukrainian families in the process of adoption.
This was reported by the Head of the State Service of Ukraine for Children Petro Dobromilsky during a briefing.
“According to the operational data of the regional services for children, as of the end of 2024, 1 270 orphans and children were deprived of parental care by the decision of the judicial authorities were adopted.
The rate of adopted children in 2024 increased by 27 percent, compared to 2023, ”Dobrolimilsky said.
According to him, in many countries where wars began, this process was suspended. In Ukraine, this process is developing dynamically, and many families really want to adopt children and support them.
In addition, he stressed that out of 15 021 children who can be adopted, 11 052 are arranged for family forms of education. The number of adoption candidates by the end of 2024 is 2 399 people, most of whom seek to adopt children under 5 years.
Earlier, we wrote that in Ukraine there is a reform of the care system and support of children, aimed at strengthening families and preventing the divorce of children with their relatives, as well as providing children in need, family forms of upbringing.
In particular, the Coordination Center for the Development of Family Education and Care of Children directly cooperates with 10 demonstration regions of Ukraine, which receive support in the implementation of the reform of the care and support system. As part of the reform, they have already collected data on the situation of children and families with children and conducted situational analysis at the regional and local levels at each of the 86 communities.