In 9 months of 2024, Ukrainians made 3 billion payments through the software registers of settlement operations (PRRO), which is 2.2 times higher than the figures for the same period last year. The total amount of expenses amounted to 1.07 trillion hryvnias, according to the report of the analytical platform Opendatabot .
Despite the significant increase in total spending, the main driver of this growth is not the size of the average check, but an increase in the number of purchases. In 2024, the average check decreased to UAH 345, which is 3.7 times less than in 2020 (UAH 1,300).
The average number of transactions per month reached 340 million this year, which is 24 times more than in 2021, when only 14 million transactions were recorded each month.
What does it mean?
Such data demonstrate three important trends:
- Activation of the use of non-cash payments. Ukrainians are increasingly choosing electronic payment methods for their daily purchases.
- Digitization of business. The increase in the number of transactions through PRRO indicates the transition of entrepreneurs to modern accounting technologies.
- Changes in consumer behavior. A decrease in the average check may indicate a trend towards greater savings or a change in the structure of consumption.
Experts point out that these indicators are also the result of government policy on the implementation of digital solutions for business, such as PRRO. Ukraine is becoming one of the countries where digital technologies occupy a key place in the economy.