In recent days, rumors about the introduction of gas cut-off schedules have been actively spreading in Ukraine. In the information space, reports appeared that, allegedly in connection with the termination of the transit of Russian gas through Ukraine, restrictions on the supply of gas to homes may be introduced. However, the Center for Combating Disinformation (CCP) officially denied these statements, stressing that the information about gas shutdown schedules is fake.
According to experts, these messages are part of a disinformation campaign aimed at causing panic among citizens. Attackers use popular clickbait techniques, spreading shocking headlines and fabricated articles, as well as links to dubious Telegram channels that purport to provide "up-to-date graphs" of outages.
The CPD emphasizes that, in fact, no restrictions on gas supply in Ukraine are foreseen, and all enterprises are working as usual, ensuring stable production, storage and supply of gas. Naftogaz also added the same, clarifying that the information about possible shutdown schedules is not true.
In order to avoid fakes, the CPD advises to check the sources of information and pay attention to the presence of spelling errors in the messages. Special attention should be paid to links leading to unverified bots or sites, so as not to fall on the hook of manipulators.
For safety and accuracy, you should only rely on official sources, such as government websites or verified media.