Ukraine needs to implement an emissions trading system within two years

In the coming years, Ukraine will focus on the formation and implementation of the climate agenda, and in particular, on the importance of introducing legislative changes to launch the emissions trading system. This was stated by the Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine, Ruslan Strelets, during the International Environmental Forum "United for Nature. Agenda for Ukraine".

According to him, the main task for the next two years is the implementation of climate legislation for the launch of the emissions trading system. These measures should ensure that the Ukrainian industry and economy avoids problems related to the mechanism for regulating carbon emissions at the border with the EU (CBAM). The minister emphasized that it is important to adopt the relevant legislation and launch the emissions trading system, which can start operating in pilot mode as early as 2025.

Strelets also expressed the opinion that it is not worth wasting time on negotiations regarding the postponement of the implementation of CBAM for Ukraine, since this mechanism should start in the European Union on January 1, 2026. The European Commission has started a transition period in the application of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), which introduces a new carbon tax on exports from third countries to the EU, and will determine its size based on the carbon content of manufactured goods.



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